Erdogan Beri Selamat ke Prabowo Lewat Surat: Mr President Elect, Dear Brother - detik

 Erdogan Beri Selamat ke Prabowo Lewat Surat: Mr President Elect, Dear Brother

Eva Safitri

Jakarta -

Capres nomor urut 2 Prabowo Subianto mendapat surat yang berisi ucapan selamat dari Presiden Turki Recep Tayyip Erdogan karena unggul dalam penghitungan cepat atau quick count Pilpres 2024. Surat itu diberikan langsung oleh Duta Besar Turki untuk Indonesia Talip Kucukcan.

"Kemarin saya menerima surat ucapan selamat dari Presiden Türkiye @rterdogan, mengenai hasil sementara Pemilu 2024, yang diberikan langsung oleh Duta Besar Türkiye @talipkucukcan," tulis Prabowo dalam keterangannya di akun Instagramnya yang diunggah, Kamis (22/2/2024).

Surat tersebut juga diunggah Prabowo dalam akun Instagramnya. Prabowo menyampaikan terima kasih atas ucapan tersebut.

"Saya ingin menyampaikan rasa terima kasih yang mendalam atas dukungan dan persahabatan antara kedua negara kita," ujarnya.

Begini isi surat yang diterima Prabowo dari Erdogan:

Ankara, 19 February 2024

Mr. President Elect, Dear Brother,

I would like to congratulate Your Excellency on behalf of my People and on my behalf on your election as the President of the Republic of Indonesia and hope that the election results will be auspicious.

I wholeheartedly believe that we will further develop our relations, which are strengthened by our historical ties and common values, on the basis of our Strategic Partnership, for the mutual benefit of our people in the period ahead.

I would like to renew my best wishes for the personal health and happiness of Your Excellency and the well-being of the friendly and brotherly people of Indonesia.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan
President of Turki

His Excellency Prabowo Subianto
President Elect of the Republic of Indonesia

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